
At Jumping through Hoops we are social impact specialists, and we will show you how to measure and monitor your impact effectively. We help you to create narratives and visuals to showcase your impact, and we can assist you with funding applications.

If you’re a social enterprise or not-for-profit on a mission to solve one of the many wicked problems of the world, some of this might sound familiar:

  • You know the impact you want to have but you are not sure how to measure it.
  • Funding applications require you to have an impact monitoring framework and you don’t know where to start.
  • You have lots of data but are not sure how best to use it.
  • You need help to apply for funding (grants, tenders, business cases).

We can assist you to leap through these hoops and more!

Get in touch, book a free consultation and let’s talk!

Hi, I’m Karin.

(BSc (Hons), PhD, Grad Cert Mgt, Grad Cert Social Impact)

Hi, I’m Karin, founder, and Chief Hoop Jumper at Jumping through Hoops. I am a social impact professional and funding application specialist, with over 20 years’ experience in the not for-profit sector.

I like delving into complex data and communicating it with simple visuals. Combined with my writing skills I will help you know your impact and grow your funding.

Person leaning on a spiral that twists in front and behind them

Want to get in touch?